November 13, 2007

A new project

A couple of years ago I posted a comment on another blog - don't ask which one, I honestly don't remember. I noticed that another commenter had listed his word verification choice in his comment and turned the word verification into some sort of actual word, a slang, bastardized version of a word anyway.

I brought the habit back to my blog, occasionally chucking the word verification into my comment if I happened to hear the word in my head and attach it to some sort of meaning that wasn't expected.

In the past couple of week, a couple of my regular commenters - achilles3 and calencoriel started doing that a little more frequently, posting comments back and forth with more of the same.

Finally, achilles3 put together a little side project that we've been working on since then and that we're just about ready to throw open to the world. Check out the Word Verification Dictionary.

From here on, we'll be putting the word verifications in all the comments in case any of them catch our eyes. Feel free to join in...

Oh, and when I say we, I pretty much am just speaking for myself. The others have no idea I was saying any of this, so I could be entirely incorrect.


  1. Always happy to give the shout out...particularly when I'm involved in the project being shouted about...
