March 3, 2008

The crappier of two craps - and a request

Tomorrow is the day,'s vote or die time.

There are issues close to my heart, votes that I've already commented on, and even a candidate for whom The Parents are stumping.

And then there are the typical trashity-trash politicians of my now home of Butler County.

Two recent incidents have really thrown the Butler Co Republican party - a party that holds almost total and absolute control of politics here - into some horrible lights. There's the pathetic tale of the two candidates for county commissioner. From the article linked, you can see that one is accused of lying on her resume - twice, being arrested, not registering her dog, and being fired for pushing a political agenda and that the other is accused by an admitted cheater (more on her in a second) of ethical breaches such as using county buildings for campaign meetings, blowing a million or so tax dollars, and by budgeting poorly.

In comparison, he sounds like a real winner. And if the Republicans in Butler Co hold true to form, one of these will be the office holder come next January.

Then there's the tale of County Auditor Kay Rogers who just resigned after pleading guilty to filing a false income tax return and conspiracy to commit bank and mail fraud. Nice stuff from an auditor.
Our government was designed a couple of hundred years ago to be successful and to protect the people in spite of the people that we elect to office. There are to be enough checks and balances to keep any person from ever becoming too powerful enough to do any sort of permanent damage to us and to our nation.

But we have to exercise our rights and get out there and vote. Otherwise, we allow the scoundrels that we put in office to stay there.

So, do me a favor folks and rock the vote...educate yourself via the League of Women Voters or websites.

And vote...

Don't miss a single election...ever...

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