March 26, 2008

Top five...back in force...

In honor of yesterday's post...

My favorite films starring - or involving...

...George Clooney...
  1. O Brother, Where Art Thou?
  2. Thin Red Line
  3. Three Kings
  4. Michael Clayton
  5. Oceans Eleven
  6. South Park gets nixed because his part is about a minute long...
...Tom Wilkinson...
  1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  2. Batman Begins
  3. Michael Clayton
  4. Full Monty
  5. Shakespeare in Love
...Tilda Swinton...
  1. Orlando
  2. Michael Clayton
  3. Adaptation
  4. Constantine
  5. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe - okay, I haven't seen it, but Calen swears that I'd enjoy it in spite of my revulsion to seeing it, and I need a fifth for Swinton
...Sydney Pollack...
  1. The Player (actor)
  2. Michael Clayton (actor, producer)
  3. Sliding Doors (producer)
  4. The Firm (producer, director)
  5. Cold Mountain (producer)
...Tony Gilroy...
  1. The Bourne Ultimatum (writer)
  2. Michael Clayton (writer, director)
  3. The Bourne Supremecy (writer)
  4. The Devil's Advocate (writer) - it's trash, but I enjoy the heck out of it
  5. Tie - The Bourne Identity (writer) - and The Cutting Edge (writer)


  1. I'll take Syriana somewhere on my Clooney list

  2. Three Kings
    Oh Brother
    Good Night and Good Luck

    With "From Dusk Till Dawn" running a close 6th :-)

  3. Now I am a fan of George Clooney... I have to be, I live within a hundred mile radius of his home town and get reminded of this all too often. But I get tired of hearing his political agenda. I know some make the argument that because he has the influence and money that he does, he should use it for things he is passionate about. But I don't know, I kind of just like actors to be actors.

  4. And under Tom Wilkinson I gotta add In the Name of the Father

  5. Lakes - Syriana was too hard to follow at points for me...excellent film, but I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the ones I've listed...Good Night and Good Luck might edge out Oceans Eleven if not for the fact that Eleven is just so much's not a great film, but it's a blast to watch

    Craig - I'm okay with actors being take is that I don't have to pay any attention to it, but if I were famous enough to have some soapbox (more than this blog, obviously), I'd want to be able to speak out...nobody would ever have to pay any attention, but if he wants to have beliefs, I applaud him using his position to promote them...probably doesn't hurt that I often find myself in agreement with him, though...

    Lakes - haven't seen Father...

  6. touche chemguy. Perhaps I should just stop paying attention.
