These topics don't merit full posts, but I thought I'd throw them in here...
- I'm writing this on Friday night, and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Stephen Curry. If The Girl were to leave me this weekend, I think I'd send him my proposal. In that vein, there is nothing in all of sports that I love more than a shooting guard with no fear and NBA range.
- I don't understand - at all - why so many small municipalities still exist within Hamilton County. The other large cities with which I'm familiar - Indy and Louisville - have both consolidated the city and county governments to be more fiscally efficient. Looks like Hamilton County might finally be considering consolidation.
- Cincinnati Locavore seems like a blog that I should be reading more frequently, and I will be since I just found out about it today.
- If I haven't mentioned it before, Garden Fresh Gourmet's artichoke garlic salsa is amazing...phernomenal...fresh, bright, brilliant...tasty...and easily my favorite
salsacondiment in the world. Sure, it's not made locally, but it's am-frickin-brosia. If you're not eating it, you're a fool. - Something is wrong with the world, and I can't quite put my finger on it.
- I Can Has Cheezeburger continues to provide the most consistent laughs of any site on the web.
ihasahotdog is better...
ReplyDeleteYou are so wrong...sooo wrong...