May 12, 2008

Taking the measure of things

A recent XKCD - the one about crossing a spoon and a fork and then recrossing the mutant spork offspring back with another fork to get a 3/4 fork-1/4 spoon hybrid - sent me to evo-cut cutlery with every possible spoon/fork/knife cross mutination.

But that's not the cool thing over at Harry White Design that I want to point out.

Instead, it's the cool beaker-style measuring jugs that he offers.

There's the Billions Jug...

...the awesomely designed Domestic Science jug...

...and the Arbitrary Jug...

Of course, they probably aren't worth a crap for actual measurement or usefulness, but that's clearly not the point with pieces like these that are the sporks of the science/art world.


  1. I don't know about that, sporks can be kind of useful.

  2. I prefer a runcible spoon, myself
