June 6, 2008

Blo this

Every couple of weeks, I take a bit to check in over at JoBlo.com for the newest and snarkiest (other than Harry Knowles's baby, of course), and today you get to see what caught my eye this week...
  • Anchorman 2 - very cool possibility, easily Will Ferrell's finest film
  • W poster - meh...too many documentaries have been made regarding the Bush II presidency for my tastes, and now we get to know that Olive Stone is making a biopic of Dubya?...snore
  • Madagascar 2 poster - again, kinda meh...the first one was really cute and entertaining, but I don't need another Shrek-kinda franchise
  • X-Files 2 trailer - I firmly gave up on the series after the first movie, when they didn't answer any of the questions that they'd promised to answer...the best part of the blurb is that the flick stars Billy Connolly, but I won't be within twenty feet of this frickin' film this summer
  • Lost Boys 2 pics - Ok, I was wrong. I didn't think there was a single movie that could interest me less, that was less current, that could be wanted less by the movie-going public than the stupid X-Files 2 crapload. I was clearly wrong.
  • New Lebowski DVD - How stupid do you think we are? One of the all-time great comedies now has four editions of the DVD in ten years? No thanks, folks.
  • M Night Shyamalamadingdong graphitti - huh...chuckle...it says penis (Sadly, I do want to see this movie...he makes some awesome trailers)
  • Top ten spoof films - only 6-10 are listed for now, but if Spinal Tap isn't #1, the list is wrong. Flat, dead wrong.
  • Beverly Hills Cop IV - Give up, folks...let it go and try to come up with an original idea. Sweet christ this is going to be a disaster.
  • The lack of an Up trailer - Pixar are golden to me. Anything they make is awesome. They could remake Beverly Hills Cop, and I'd probably go see it.
  • A Hancock clip - Another superhero movie that looks great. Iron Man, Dark Knight, Hancock, Wanted, Hellboy 2 - a great year for graphic novel fans. If only Hulk weren't tempting me, I'd be thrilled.
  • Harry Potter prequel - I dig the whole story of JK Rowlings, that she was just barely scraping by and via her talent has become richer than the queen of England. Very cool. But...if she's done with the Potter world - as she has said she is - then she is going to have to actually be done with the Potter world and come up with something else or disappear entirely and live off of her mazillions. I'm cool either way, but the middle ground is nowhere to survive.
  • Another pointless sequel - Donnie Darko was freaky enough, but it was at least a self-contained story with a beginning, a middle, and then the beginning. Let it go, folks.
  • Pics of The Road - I am intrigued.
  • Watchmen triple DVD - As dumb as the Lebowski DVD crapfest is this announcement that there will be three (or four) Watchmen DVDs: movie, Tales of the Black Freighter, and a combo DVD. Why would any fan buy the second of those? Casual fans buy the first, hardcore geekburgers buy #3, but who buys the second one?
  • Trailer for Choke - As a Palahniuk fan, I can safely say that the book stunk. The movie doesn't look much better.
  • Batman has milk - And on that note...

1 comment:

  1. Dude, come on, The Hulk has my favorite actor, Edward Norton, Jr. How can you be ashamed to want to see it?

    Oh, wait, I know, Liv "Mangled Lips" Tyler is in it. Way to ruin a potentially great film big studio exec guys.

    Crap, no I am disappointed.
