June 9, 2008


Last year's list of summer projects wasn't a good list as very few of the tasks were accomplished, so I'm going to simply list the activities and trips that I already have planned and that are flat out going to happen. At the end of the summer, I might list the things I've accomplished, but until then, I'm going to shut up about that.

Before the school year begins again, I'm heading to...in chronological order
  • the Grand Canyon...the Las Vegas/Chicago/train parts of the trip have been scrapped, so it's renting a car, driving to the Canyon and back via Albuquerque, NM and Norman, OK in both of which we'll be staying with parts of The Girl's family for a night each way
  • Hyde Park...for the Hyde Park Blast on June 28th...no, I'm not running it or running in it, but I am volunteering with some of my students to man a water stop...
  • The Hometown...to help out with The Pater Familias's tennis tourney and hopefully see Cold North Gamer
  • The Homestead...a week or two of R&R and bachelor fun with The Girl out in Colorado for a girls' weekend with a couple of her friends
  • Weston, FL...where I'll be suffering at the Hyatt Bonaventure for the School & Youth conference for the LLS...and a game at Pro-Player Marlins Stadium out in section 141
  • The City...to catch games at Shea and Yanqui Go Home Stadia before they get plowed into oblivion...with a side trip up to East Freetown, MA to visit a friend from high school
  • The Homestead...and homeward...
...all of that within two months...we'll be eating through gas like it's going out of style, and we'll be visiting dozens of different states...and checking three more ballparks off of the list.

And someday there will be the promised rest and relaxation of the summer, but not for a little while. 'Til then, we'll be taking advantage of the awesomeness of summer break.


  1. Eating through gas because it is going out of style, you mean. Sounds like a great time. Me, I can't wait until the Red Sox roll into town Friday (tickets to all three games :D)

  2. Hey, putz, it's going to be tough to see Cold North Gamer if I bar you at the door because you're not showing any love here!

    Just kidding. You'll be happy to know that the child no longer screams incessantly, which will be a change from your last visit. And for s's and giggles, I'm thinking about signing up for the tennis tournament .

  3. Sully, you should play. Seriously you graduated with some of the mens bracket for last weekends tourney. http://tennislink.usta.com/tournaments/TournamentHome/Results.aspx?T=61771#23

  4. The difference between me vs. Bowman and Jones is this...

    ...they're good.

  5. I am looking forward to the hometown trip as well. Can't wait to see everyone; and, I won't be signing up for the tennis tournament. I can't handle the embarassment and shame unless the man wants to try doubles again :)

  6. and you call yourself "green"...
    JK have fun!
