July 16, 2008

Eight-frickin' page spread

The Ultimate Marvel universe is so much cooler than the main (Earth-616) Marvel Universe.

In Ultimates 2: Grand Theft America, the world (Iran, China, Russia, North Korea, Syria, France - though each with diplomatic deniability) sees the US's super soldier program (Nick Fury's baby and a major plot tie throughout all the Ultimate books) and increasing willingness to enact premptive strikes against other nations as a threat to each of their soverignties, coming up with a super team of their own and pretty much wiping out SHIELD, the Ultimates, and the US government in about half an hour - before, of course, the American good guys fight back to save the day.

And there, about halfway through the last issue, I came upon it.

An eight-page, fold out spread of the final battle.

Asgardian gods...giant wolves...super soldiers...the Hulk...trolls...goblins...Captain America...Loki...against the backdrop of the US capitol building...

My coutry 'tis of thee, sweet land of comic goodness...

This, my friends, is why comics were made.

Sure, we can quibble that the series was delayed and delayed and delayed until many folks who read the first couple of issues gave up on it, but I'm reading all of it in trade paperback form, and that was all there for me to devour in one giant gulp.

And gulp it I did.



And I can't wait for Ultimatum.


  1. Have I mentioned you still owe me for dragging me to Great Escape for years while you looked around?

  2. Oh, I do understand that. Anything you want me to pick up from ye olde comic shoppes for you b'day in tribute?

  3. To Ame, those were the day :)

  4. Weren't they, though, man?

    Convincing one of our parents to drive us over there and dropping our hard earned...well, allowanced...cash.
