September 26, 2008

Barakin' the Square

Cincinnati's got a rockin' event coming up on Thursday, October 16th with the Breeders and the National (yeah, I haven't heard of the National, either, but supposedly they're a big deal) playing Fountain Square as a rally for the Obama/Biden ticket.

Dig it...dig it!


  1. Lucky...The National is an awesome group.

  2. The one cool thing to happen in the 'Nati and I'm gone for it.

    The National are awesome, I saw them at Lollapalooza. Imagine a gloom and doom R.E.M.

  3. The National are good...but they'll put ya to sleep.
    Not exactly rah rah party stuff

  4. I know nothing about the National, but you are lucky you are having a big rally. We had a town square with Barack a few months ago (only time I took off school for something not required) and a rally with Biden last week (I didn't take off but the mom was there). There is a rumor that the campaign will be back in Louisville in the next two weeks for a rally though.

    I did spend a couple of hours working the phone banks this morning. Amazing that Indiana is actually in play in a presidential campaign!

  5. A bunch of folks - including Francesco who apparently lurks 'round here - have mentioned that we're lucky to be getting The National, so I'm going to have to hunt down some of their music so I know what I'm getting in to.

    Thanks for volunteering, Amellia...what's with chucking the Jadis bit 'round here this time?
