November 5, 2008

In honor of whoever was elected yesterday

I'm writing this over the weekend, so I've no clue in whose honor the links list comes up today, but I'm sure somebody deserves it.That's it for today as I had to wait in line for a solid four hours thirty seconds yesterday to vote and didn't have time to put together any sort of real post.

The glimpses will come back next week...promise...


  1. I think the people at GenCon could safely give to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society...

  2. I'm always willing to take a large donation no matter the source of the demon money.

  3. The Lego man is very cool. I'll admit that charities do have a right to refuse money (even if they're idiotic). It just amazes me how many Christians use religion to hate... which leads to anger and soon the Dark Side.
