December 20, 2008

And with a hand up our butts, we sing

I know the Muppets weren't that kind of puppets, but I needed a title.

Enjoy a little foam joy today, reader-people...


  1. Two things:

    1. I recognize a ring tone in there...

    b. I thought you were finito when it came to the playlists?

  2. Check last week's post...

    "And while we're at it, the Saturday music playlists will be intermittent after next week's already-prepared setlist comes together."

    I had this week's already ready, so it went ahead and posted.

  3. Ah, the healing power of the Muppets and/or Paul Williams. I was truly honored to have met some of the people involved. I used to have the Muppet Show album and it had Put the Lime in the Coconut on it, that brings back memories... Silly, fun, care-free days of yore. I had even memorized Sam the American Eagles speech about nudity. Yup, I was that kid. (And still am)
    Thanks for the memories!

  4. TL - always happy to bring back childhood memories. I was and solidly am (though not quite to your level, admittedly) a Muppet kid.
