From Warren Zevon...
"Lawyers, Guns, and Money" (with one word)
"Werewolves of London" - the one song by him that you might know
"Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner" (again, with one word)
If you liked that, here's a more upbeat version, also on Letterman
"Play it All Night Long"
"Searchin' for a Heart"
"Excitable Boy"
"Muhammad's Radio"
"Splendid Isolation"
"Boom Boom Mancini"
Part 1 of Zevon's final appearance on Letterman (parts 2...3...4, too)
Here's a bit of background about that series of videos...
"Mr Bad Example"
An entertaining turn on Suddenly Susan
"Johnny Strikes Up the Band"
"The Envoy"
"Poor Poor Pitiful Me"
Remember to enjoy every sandwich, folks...
no comments on Warren Zevon? a crime, I tell you...