May 1, 2009

For when you need that late night taco taste

As I have mentioned before, I have a penchant for foods that some might consider less than good for me. Ice cream, donuts, and Doritos are like the Vince Vaughn friend who drags you out of your misery, takes you to a party, but ends up leaving you passed out in puddle of your own filth, regretting the fact that you ever opened the door to let him in.

That didn't stop me, however, from heading straight for the Late Night Taco Doritos when The Girl handed me free reign to choose the snack chip to accompany her night of burgers a little while ago. Oh, I was aware that these Doritos probably wouldn't be all that different from the hundred of other Doritos varieties. Let's be honest - every Dorito's flavor that I've ever had has fallen either into the cheese-salsa family or the ranch family. There aren't exactly a lot of Doritos food groups here in the US (unlike the Peking Duck or sausage flavors available in Germany). But I'm not looking for fabulous variety in my Doritos wanderings; I'm looking for a solid, slightly different offering within the same food family.

Unlike my last foray into food craptacularness, this one paid off in spades. The Late Night Taco Doritos are excellent with a nicely smoky, moderately hot flavor that is reminiscent of they're eponymous flavor. They would be easy to have devoured in a single sitting, but I did manage to milk them out for a week or so.

Next up, Last Call Jalapeno Popper Doritos this weekend.



  1. I heart your passion for garbage food.
    You make it sound like having a 7th grade crush on a hooker.
    So sweet.

  2. These sound like my kind of chips.

  3. Those should be renamed Bad Decision Doritos...

    Tacos at Midnight - bad decision

    7th grader hooker crush - bad decision

    wv: kolaptul - an aborigine tournament involving a koala and a catapult

  4. This hurts my diabetic heart.

  5. I will only take that as a compliment, Mr Lakes. I go weak in the knees around the trashiest of foods, and I know they're not good for me - so that depiction is about spot on.

    DanE - They're outstanding, seriously.

    Calen - so tasty...I've gotten Taco Bell in the late night hours, and I'm all down with that.

    Sorry, Emily - I have to strongly recommend that you try a couple of these when you get a chance. You might want to have somebody chain you to the mast of the ship, however, before you do so you can resist the sirens' calls.

  6. i love original Doritos which I eat maybe once every three months. Can't say I relate much here.

    but here's the link you asked for:

    good luck. : )
