May 13, 2009

Heya, Crimson

My AP Chemistry class has now finished up their annual exam, and we're in the wrap-up portion of the year. I'm not pushing them too hard, but I'm still getting them to study chemistry. The way I do this is by allowing (requiring) them to perform a chemistry demo and explain the science behind it. The requirements are pretty simple:
  • It has to use chemicals we have or can get easily and legally.
  • It has to be safe.
  • It has to be a demo that I didn't do for them.
  • If has to be exocharmic.
They've tentatively chosen (final choices due tomorrow) some moderately interesting demos - some very fun, some I know well, some I don't, some not so thrilling.

I've got this one student - let's call her CrimsonMirage, for lack of a better moniker - who's all into baking, and I'm thinking she should do a demo that combines her two passions - baking and organic chemistry - and make a mock apple pie.

It's a simple enough procedure, largely consisting of making a sugar syrup with creme of tartar and lemon juice then boiling Ritz crackers in the syrup and putting them into a pie shell. Apparently the whole thing tastes convincingly of apple pie once baked.

Check out recipes...I'm kinda drooling now, I'll admit it.


  1. can't eat it in the lab...what will you do?

  2. For lack of a better moniker?

    I am game for faux pie baking, but I am skeptical as far as the taste goes.

  3. as long as you don't use too much lemon, you'll be okay...

    and as long as the Jarod's Law inspectors don't show up that day, we'll all be okay...

  4. For the record, I tried the recipe again with a lot less lemon. It actually tasted pretty convincing, my family actually thought it was apple pie. (I also switched over to whole grain Ritz Crackers to make it slightly healthier...I didn't note any significant difference)

  5. Good to hear that the recipe can be adjusted a little bit for the better.

    Any chance you'll post the revised recipe?
