June 9, 2009

Making up for lost time

Because it's Natalie Portman, it's Sesame Street, and even though I could see the gag coming, it's still funny.


  1. Ben Stiller and "Who are the people in your Neighborhood" is great too.

    VM: earide - what you take when you hear a song you really like

  2. She's adorable.

    And, about that prank picture, I'll email it to you. Should I use your district email?

  3. Bdubba - I'll have to check that vid out. He's kind of a big cheese, after all.

    AshleyAnn - agreed. Natalie Portman will be forty and still be really cute. Probably a curse, but it gets her work.

    As to the pic, send it via the school mail. That's a great pic.
