January 8, 2010

Museum Plaza?

I like the Louisville skyline.

It's not New York or Chicago, sure, but it's got a few tall buildings that stand out nicely against the lowerland around them.  And it's got the classic advantage of having water off of which the reflections make for great photos

But the above photo  (it's photoshopped, of course) would throw that whole skyline right out of whack - big, contemporary monstrosity all on the far right messing everything up.

That monstrosity - which I'm guessing Ame and the rest of my family already know - is called Museum Plaza and is a building proposed to be developed in the River City over the next few years.

It's a freaky building that is composed of a number of separate towers that would house a hotel, office space, a museum, private residences, and public park space a third of the way up .  Check out the architecture firm's explanation of the plans.

Thankfully, it looks like there were some problems with the financing, and the newest update suggests everything is solidly on hold.

Generally, I'm okay with contemporary architecture, but this one just looks awful.

It's a contemporary turd, and I'll be happier if it gets flushed.



  1. I am with you on not liking how it looks against the rest of the skyline. in addition the whole sideways elevator scares the crud outta me. When they first started digging they ran into some problems with the foundations of nearby buildings cracking.

  2. Yeah, I saw something about foundational issues. As close as they were to the river, I wouldn't be surprised with constant water table issues and needs for pumping, too.

  3. Ame - dig the new profile pic, by the way.

  4. I have actually wondered about building a stadium so close to the river. I know other things have been there but after watching them build the arena I'm not going in it for a bit.


  5. With all that said, NYC is built right next to some major rivers, and they just keep pumps running all the time to prevent water from getting in - even the subway would flood if the power went entirely out.

    Maybe that's the Louisville solution.
