April 22, 2010

Happy Anniversary

10 years ago today...

Thanks to everyone who was there and involved, especially to those of you who I know read this blog - Gamer, Smamy, Sully, Ame, The Mater Familias. Is there anybody else lurking out there who was at our ceremony?

And I am not getting The Girl something in tin.


  1. Happy anniversary!!! And many, MANY more to come!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Holy God, I was too skinny. If there was a way to loose pounds in my midsection and not in my face, I'd be on it. But I look at that pic at all of us around the table and think "damn, dude, eat a burger."

    Three thoughts reviewing the pics:
    1. Thomas has to be of driving age by this point, which makes me feel utterly old.
    2. Where is that pesky bee that was dive bombing us the entire time we were on the steps?
    3. Tracy--smokin' hot as always...

  4. Only two memories stick out... I was in charge of the old people and John got Thomas in trouble the whole time he was at the reception. Also the mom was too drunk to remember most of the day later on. Her exact quote "Oh God, Bob, why did you let me drive?"

  5. Congrats! Good times, good times. Hard to believe it's been 10 years. I've done a pretty good job of sticking with the traditional gift ideas, even if they're small secondary gifts to the real one. And, Sully: agreed! (not the hamburger comment)

  6. Thanks, everybody.

    Sullivan - A lot of us were a bit thinner back in the day. Thomas is a junior in high school, starting lineman on his high school football team and looking at going into the Merchant Marines if not college. Tracy is, indeed, an attractive woman still.

    Ame - Mom was that far gone? I had no idea. Narcissism at its finest. I pretty well have no idea what happened other than to me.
