December 17, 2010

Look what I saw yesterday

The snow has returned to Cincinnati earning us two snow days this week and pushing our first semester exams to finish up after Winter Break.

With the snow, apparently, comes the deer to our backyard.  This time there were two deer in our yard but just outside the fenced area.  Seeing them twice in a year- both times when there was a bunch of snow on the ground - makes me wonder whether I'm seeing them because...
  • ...they're that much easier to see against the snow.
  • ...they're always around but are just covered up by the scrub growth.
  • ...they're a lot braver when the snow is covering up their normal sources of food.
When we first moved into The Homestead, we saw deer in the front yard a few times in that first year but haven't seen them since then.  These two sightings do let me know that they're around but that I haven't been seeing them.

It was a nice little snow day treat.

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