January 17, 2011

Futility Closet's logo search

A little while back, the Futility Closet website (a lone dude, I think) posted a request for logo submissions for a new site design.  Today the final eight are up for comment/vote.

You can check out all 200+ entries that were received.  Personally, I like #248, 235, 118, and 55.

#116 is impressively horrible.

None of the final eight impress me, but I think  #211 is the best of the final eight.

(By the by, if you're not checking out Futility Closet's daily esoterica, you're missing out.)


  1. the one there looks like a total Don Quixote cover with Sancho rip...

  2. Two of my favorite choices that didn't make the finals involved - #118, in particular - used that as their theme. I like the analogy in that Futility Search doesn't have a specific theme but is just throwing things out there, kinda tilting at windmills, as it were.

    I did, admittedly, just rip off a Don Quixote drawing from the web for my image.
