March 20, 2011

Good news, Bat Fans!

It has been revealed in Variety (and posted to me via TDW Geek) that Joseph Gordon-Levitt's role in the upcoming third Christopher Nolan Batman film will be...

Alberto Falcone!

If you don't know who that is, go out immediately and find yourself a copy of The Long Halloween, Dark Victory, and maybe Catwoman: When in Rome - all of which are excellent.

Rest assured that this is better news than any of the other rumors we had heard about Gordon-Levitt's possible roles.


  1. Do you think he will be as creepy as the dude who was scarecrow in the first one?

  2. Cillian Murphy did a great job as the Scarecrow, but JGL is a far better actor.

    If he's really going to be playing Alberto Falcone, he won't be going to creepy - maybe a little skeevy, maybe a little unnerving, but not anything in the terrifying vein that Scarecrow went with.
