April 25, 2011

Streaming Beasties

Katydid points out that the Beasties have decided to go ahead and stream the full edition of their album since the clean version got leaked over the weekend.

Seriously? Just when I'd pretty much decided that in the name of being frugal/cheap/economical, I was gonna just borrow the cd from PLCH and grab all the tracks? They go ahead and decide to give it to me for free?

Dangit, now I'm gonna have to buy the stupid thing just because I like their style.

Go ahead...check the album on their website...

Oh, and I miss the original cover for the unreleased part one...

You can also still check a rebroadcast of the live stream from Saturday...it's kinda freaky...

Watch live streaming video from beastieboys at livestream.com

I'll admit that I didn't notice the gorilla suit the first time through. That's what I get for playing the stream in a hidden window once I realized what it was.

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