April 18, 2011

This is a serious project...

Let's meet Liz...
Hello. My name is Liz and I know nothing about music.

You steal my Ipod right now and you've got enough music to last you...well...let's say you could get about halfway through a flight across the country.

67 songs.

What's on there? Well let's see. I have five songs I downloaded from the American Idol performances. I do love me some Adam Lambert but we're hardly talking the classics yet. We've got a series of Backstreet Boys and NSync.

Shut up. BSB is awesome.

And despite the fact I just wowed you with my awesome taste in music, I'm here to discuss my mission. There's a book out there that I've had on my shelf for years but never really touched. It's the "1001 Albums You Must Hear Before You Die". They start with Frank Sinatra's "In The Wee Small Hours" from 1955 and go all the way up to 2007. (List is over here!)

So here's the plan. 1001 Albums. 1001 Days. I'll listen to the whole album, start to finish, no skipping. I'll write about how I feel about the album, my thoughts about the music, my life, etc. We'll see how this goes..

On May 6, 2012, I'll have listened to the best thousand albums in history. Hopefully by the end of all this, I'll be 26 (wow...that's weird to write), and I'll have more on my Ipod than Danny Gokey and Justin Timberlake.

So tomorrow I listen to "In The Wee Small Hours" by Frank Sinatra (1955). See you then!
I admire Liz's dedication and stick-to-it-iveness. She's currently 522 days into the project.

Admittedly, her writing style isn't all that polished, but I can't imagine how hard it must be to fit in listening to and then commenting upon a full album every single day without fail.

She makes my burger quest seems lame.


  1. Rank amateur. I mean, it's not like she's attempting to collect every hit song in recorded history or anything...

  2. Every hit song plus any significant other song, too.

  3. Added quite a bit of Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Blues Traveler over the weekend...our official count of music on the iPod itself this morning is 17,769 songs, or roughly 65 continuous days worth. Someday a very content 84 year old man is finally going to have all this stuff organized...

  4. 17K isn't really anything all that impressive. I have over 12K songs without even having a goal like yours.

    How many more do you have on the hard drive that you haven't cataloged yet?

  5. Two things to bear in mind. These were songs that charted. Were I to open it to full albums, it'd be getting to the ridiculous stage. As for what I have on the hard drive, it's hard to tell but I'm guesstimating between 50,000-75,000 songs that I haven't gotten to. Those ARE full albums and I'm trying to rid myself of duplicates, bootlegs, multiple greatest hits compilations when one version will do, and a good chunk of the live albums. Pretty much sticking to 95% studio albums.

  6. Well, if those extra 75,000 songs aren't yet cataloged, that's reasonable then. And what do you have against live tracks? "My Ding a Ling" is a spectacular live track and the only charting entry from Chuck Berry if I remember correctly.
