June 22, 2011

Let's get voting

Go ahead, elect your sticker.

My choice and comments after the jump.

Working from left to right, top to bottom...
  • The tan, "I Voted Today" looks a little too Civil-War-era for me, and the extended Ohio flag blowing while the US flag isn't just looks dumb.
  • Red circle "I Voted Today" is plain, boring, a little too standard, the kind of thing a committee would come up with. I get that there's a sort of Ohio flag motif going, but it just doesn't work.
  • "I [Ohio] Voting" works for me. It's my choice. I like the simplicity of replacing the heart in "I Love ___".
  • Black oval, "IVT" seems too East Coast snobby to me. The reversal of the standard white oval with black letters seems odd, but still doesn't work for me. The best you could hope for here is that somebody might not get what IVT means and ask you about it to initiate a discussion. I doubt that'll happen, though.
  • "I'm a Buckeye Voter" is gonna lead to pot leaf jokes. Anyway, is the buckeye itself green?
  • "OH I vOte" is cutesy. It's not a bad idea, but the OH-IO chant has been too closely identified with an Ohio State University to be universally accepted by everybody in the state.If the fans of an Ohio State University were a little more modest, this might've worked. Of course, if I peed molten gold, I'd be rich.
 So, I'm going with "I [Ohio] Voting" as my choice.