April 6, 2012

LonniBurger Baskets: New sources

I'm always in search for new burger places to review in the LonnieBurger Baskets series. Here are a few blogs that I'll be checking out as well as new restaurants to try.
  • Cincinnati Burger Guys - The blog's been dead for a three and a half years now, but the have nearly forty posted and archived reviews. They're top places that I haven't tried yet are 915 Pub & Grill (Ft Thomas, KY)...Zola's Pub & Grill (Covington, KY). Their favorites that I can compare to my tastes are Gabby's (Wyoming), Back Porch (Springdale), Arthur's (Hyde Park), and Oakley Pub & Grill (Oakley). Gabby's and Oakley Pub & Grill are decent to pretty good, but the Back Porch and Arthur's didn't terribly much impress me. I'm thinking our tastes might not quite align.
  • Cirque du Savory - No reviews since August, 2009, so we're out of date here, too. Their top ranks that we haven't tried: Zip's (Mt Lookout)...Mt Adam's Bar & Grill (Mt Adams)...Bard's Burger. Their top that I am familiar with are Oakley, Five Guys, Terry's, Gordo's (in Norwood), and City View Tavern. I'd agree with City View, Terry's, Oakley, even Five Guys. Gordo's in Norwood we haven't tried...Gordo's by Jungle Jim's is awful. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. These folks might have tastes worth following.
  • Whackburger - Their menu looks complicated, but it's a new burger place - with odd sides. Might be worth a try when they open up, which is supposed to be May.
  • Baseball and Burgers - Here's a blog that's at least ongoing. They've only been reviewing for a few months now (since November). Their top I haven't tried are Herb & Thelma's (Covington) & Neighbor's Bar (Cincinnati on North Bend). They liked Arthur's (meh)...Flipdaddy's (pretty good)...Cafe de Wheels (excellent).  These might be one to follow along with. I'm hoping that they keep blogging - last post was in January.
  • Sonny's Three Meat Burgers - Burgers made from beef, lamp, and chicken? Wait, seriously? I am intrigued.
  • Polly's Burger Hall of Fame - I've mentioned this one before, but it's worth looking at again. Terry's is #1 (agreed)...Sidebar #2 (Covington - haven't tried)...Zip's #3 (haven't tried)...Mad Mike's #5 (Covington - haven't tried)...City View #6 (agreed)...Cafe de Wheels #7 (agreed). I think our tastes might align.


  1. When can I expect you to visit McDonald's and with a straight face write up a review?

  2. I can try their high-end burgers, but I don't know that I'll try their low-end, common burgers.
