June 4, 2012

Do you Cuusoo?

Cuusoo is a website from the Lego group that lets people post their creations, drum up support, and possibly get their set made as an official Lego release once they get 10,000 supporters.

So far eight sets have reached the 10,000 supporter hurdle. Three are in the process of being reviewed by the Lego designers for final approval. Two were rejected outright (Shaun of the Dead's Winchester pub and Firefly's Serenity ship) because of their thematic elements that weren't viewed as appropriate for Lego's younger audience. Three have been produced, one - Minecraft blocks - of which is available for purchase in the US right now.

I'm supporting a few Cuusoo sets right now:
I've avoided some of the more popular sets - dark bucket, My Little Pony, sandcrawler, Zelda, Western modular town - because either they're going to be ridiculously expensive (100 Star Wars figures at ~$3 per figure?), are in themes that don't interest me, or are unlikely to get licensing approval. Instead, I'm focusing on unlicensed creations (all but Hogwarts and Nintendo) and ones that I would actually buy - in particular the skeleton and Lego Park sets.

Can you find anything of Cuusoo that you think deserves my support? What's your favorite Cuusoo creation?


  1. The Muppets- I know you could get behind this one. http://lego.cuusoo.com/ideas/view/11050

    Red Squirrel - The tail is pretty cool. There should be more animal sets.

    Modular Cinema - Old fashioned cinemas are cool. Good display value.

    Airship -


    Douglas DC-3



  2. The Muppet one leaves me a little cold because I don't like all the constant licensed sets. Yeah, a Muppet Theater set would be outstanding as would Pigs in Space and Muppet Labs (especially Muppet Labs), but I like the Palisades figures just fine.

    Red Squirrel - meh...the repetitive nature of the tail bores me. It's a great MOC, sure, but I don't know that it's a set with much playability.

    The module cinema (and courthouse) is intriguing as I do like the look of the various modular sets, but at either $150 or $200 per set, I'm never going to buy one of those.

    The airship uses big plastic panel that I don't like. Too much non-Lego for me.

    DeLorean is another like one that already made the 10,000 cut.

    The trolley is just alright. The various train sets don't do much for me.

    The DC-3, admittedly, is pretty cool. I'll give that one my support.
