July 10, 2012

A new search

Looks like iGoogle is going away.

I've got a little while; it's not going away until November 2013 (sixteen months from now). I am, however, now on the look out for a new way to access my various RSS feeds. I liked the way that iGoogle organized everything so I felt like each morning I was reading a modernized version of my morning paper, checking out the sports and news and how my friends (real, imaginary, close, distant) were doing.

Here's what my iGoogle pages (and I do have four of them) look like right now to give you an idea of what I'm looking for - something that'll let me see at a glance where there's new stuff (new stories, new posts, new whateveres) on the various websites that I follow. Anybody have any suggestions for me?

Landing page - email, actual news, calendar, my blogs, weather


Blogs of friends (a couple of fairly dead at this point - need to do some housecleaning)

Various entertaining blogs
So, whatcha got for me?


  1. Have you tried Google Reader?

  2. All right, all right...I'll start blogging again. Quit browbeating me!

