October 27, 2012

2982 - I think...

  • Experimental hazards - see the Flash's origin for proof
  • Troy Barnes insult GIF challenge - Let's go with #7 as our favorite, okay?
  • Fairfield welcomes newest park Saturday - May have to go check this out. Sounds really interesting.
  • Top 12 Most Unusual Weather Photographs - I'm including #1 here, but the rest are outstanding, too...Here's the explanation of this one, "This is an image no one would be happy to replicate. Two seconds after Mary McQuilken snapped this shot of her brothers posing on top of Moro Rock in Sequoia National Park, California a powerful lightning bolt struck them. A hiker just outside the frame was killed and Sean (on the left) eventually also died from complications associated with his injuries. Michael McQuilken (on the right) survived. The family was hiking in the Sierra Nevada during August 1975 when the incident occurred. Photo by Mary McQuilken."

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