January 1, 2013

Handmade Legos

I'm a Lego fiend. You should know that by now if you've been hanging around this blog long enough.

Recently I went hunting on etsy to see what interesting things people had done with Legos. Here's the most interesting stuff I found. All are, of course, unofficially Lego-related.

Lego crayons - like 'em...cute...wouldn't want to own 'em...would like 'em more if they were swirled wax colors rather than monochromatic...

Lego couples heart necklaces - I really like the cuteness of this one. I'm tempted to get these.

Lego brick/minifig ice cube trays - These are just being resold. They're official Lego products. I'm pointing them out because I'm pretty sure I know how those Lego minifig crayons were made.

Lego family car decals - cute...not something I want but cute...I like that they offer pets, too...

Custom wall letter - I like this one but wouldn't dream of buying it. The idea's cute enough that it could be made for a kid's room (or my school room) and would leave lots of room for play with it being adjustable and customizable over and over again.

I will never lego print - witty...

Lego Christmas ornament - This is stupid. Anybody who has seen a Lego could figure out how to make that with a little hot glue.

Lego soap - glycerin & olive oil - Two problems here: one, that top guy's not a Lego figure...two, those would hurt like heck after the soap starts to rub away

Lego Ninjago switchplate - seriously, $50?...it's a cute idea, but it's just frickin' superglued Legos...c'mon, folks...

Lego block pillow - Finally, this is handmade and kinda cool. It's Lego-inspired but not just a bunch of Lego bricks glued together.

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