March 20, 2013

A new black and white revolution

This past Sunday morning - a lovely if a bit chilly Saint Patrick's Day morning - Calen and I headed down to the riverfront to help the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society at a Mini-Marathon water stop.

The water and Gatorade handing-out wasn't too tough, largely because we had ten or so volunteers to run the stop with us. We were, however, also supposed to have a band playing at our stop to help the runnners move along. After a late night at Bogart's though, the band had a bit of a lie in and didn't make it to the stop until there were only twenty or so walkers still to complete our section of the course.

Lucky for us, though, Zebras in Public - the aforementioned band was pretty good. Take a look and a listen...

In case you wanted to know what they were all about, here's their website's introduction...
The public is a conglomerate of different races, religions, nationalities and social backgrounds, but we all bleed and breathe the same. With three musicians that are white, a black bassist and lead singer,  Zebras in Public is a testament that the public is one. Four different men, four different musicians, and four different backgrounds.
There's more music over on their site. It's worth a listen...

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