Answers after the jump, and no cheating.
- How many wings does a housefly have?
- What is the name of the newspaper where Peter Parker works?
- How many minutes are the a quarter of an NBA game?
- What was Boy George's band's name?
- On what continent is the Cape of Good Hope?
- On the cover of the Beatles' Abbey Road album, which Beatle is barefoot?
- What was the product of the Manhattan Project?
- What mythical creature is the official animal of Scotland?
- What was the name of the movie starring Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis as serial killers? Bonus: Who directed the film?
- What make blue cheese blue?
- What sport do the Nashville Predators play?
- Name a year when Beethoven was alive.
- Was FDR a Democrat or a Republican?
- Name the explorer who named Canada for the French.
- Name the actor who was in Reservoir Dogs, From Dusk to Dawn, and National Treasure.
- Who was president when the Wright Brothers made their first successful flight?
- What sport is Kelly Slater a national champion of?
- In what year did Tony Blair become prime minister, the movie Titanic premiere, and ___?
- What two movies did Jennifer Grey and Charlie Sheen appear in together?
- How many countries border Belgium? Bonus: Name them.
- two
- The Daily Bugle
- 12
- Culture Club
- Africa
- Paul McCartney
- the atomic bomb
- unicorn (we guessed the Loch Ness Monster) source
- Natural Born Killers; Oliver Stone
- mold
- hockey
- 1770-1827 (we guessed 1760)
- Democrat
- Jacques Cartier (we guessed LaSalle)
- Harvey Keitel
- Teddy Roosevelt
- surfing
- 1997
- Ferris Bueller's Day Off & Red Dawn
- four; Germany, France, The Netherlands, Luxembourg (we forgot Luxembourg)
Ouch, I would have been sent down to the minors for my performance. 11.
ReplyDeleteSolo, I can confidently say I would've gotten twelve and been 50-50 on a thirteenth.
ReplyDelete17 was a group effort.