Dinosaur Dracula has, as far as I can tell, a laser-like focus on pop culture crap with particular thematic foci on Christmas- and Halloween-themed goods (decorations, toys, food, movies) and general toy collections from the late 1980's.
Take a look, in particular at his posts on...
- Old comic book ads
- The return of Mountain Dew Pitch Black (imported from Malaysia) - He has a weird thing for odd soft drinks.
- Monster Cereals (BooBerry, Count Chocula, etc) - and his bagged collection of same
- The toys in Adam Goldberg's bedroom (and response from Adam, himself) - my entry into Dinosaur Dracula
- The best 99-cent store ever
- McDonald's Holiday Pies - I've had them. They're awful.
- Drinks that should not be in his refrigerator - Including a 16-yr old bottle of Orbitz that was past its sell-by date when he bought it.
- Reviews of Candy Corn Oreos - which screams that I have different tastes than this guy. Those are the only type of Oreo cookies I've ever bought that I didn't finish. I threw away like 2/3 of the pack.
- And the pinnacle...the post that screams "This is a collector with a problem!"...Toys he owned on 5/27/98 - That's a lot of crap, man.
This dude is my kitsch hero! You should see the amount of 90s toys/Barbies/miscellany in our study, it's...serious. Thanks for posting.