August 25, 2014

My favorite movie trilogies

Here are the rules:
  • I have to have seen all three movies.
  • The series can't have more than or fewer than three movies in the series.
  • The movies have to share a common group of characters and plots.
That disqualifies...
  • James Bond, Rocky, Clerks etc, X-Men, Indiana Jones, Bourne, Batman (Michael Keaten, etc), Star Trek,   - too many movies
  • Aliens, Pirates of the Caribbean, Back to the Future, Star Wars (prequels), Before Sunrise etc, Beverly Hills Cop, The Hangover, Predator, Men in Black,    - I've not seen all of the films in each trilogy though I have seen at least one. 
  • Cornetto trilogy (Shaun of the Dead, etc), The Red Curtain (Strictly Ballroom, etc), the Qatsi trilogy,  - They have similar actors or director-themes but not related characters and plots.
So, onto my favorite (not necessarily the greatest) movie trilogies...
  1. Batman (Christopher Nolan) - nearly perfect execution, brilliant arc, and it's about comic books
  2. Dollars (Fistful of Dollars, etc) - Clint Eastwood's first masterpieces...sort of a single plot (so that third rule is close to not fitting) but certainly of a theme and a piece...marvelous...
  3. Toy Story - few movies have wrecked me as did TS3...note perfect every step of the way
  4. Godfather - the third one is notoriously weak, but it's really not an awful just pales in comparison to the first two which are as masterful as any films made...
  5. Mariachi trilogy - this one isn't nearly as high quality as a few of the others, but it's a heck of a lot of fun...interesting to see the filmmakers progress between the first and the second flicks and then go entirely over the top for the, fun, fun...
  6. Lord of the Rings - at some point it just becomes about's rare that I'm ever going to watch any one of these all the way through after I first saw them in the theater because they're desperately long, but they are, admittedly, really high quality...
  7. Iron Man - is they'd stayed as strong as the first one, they'd be higher on the list, but the second and third progressed slightly downward  from excellent to pretty good territory...Marvel's only entry on this list so far, but there are more trilogies from their cinematic universe that are sure to make the list in a couple of years' time
  8. Oceans 11-13 - the first is one of the films that I can't seem to turn off when I happen upon it on cable, right there with Road House and a few's one of the most fun movies out there...the second is kinda painful to watch even though there's even more charisma on screen, it feels like the actors are having way more fun than we are...the third isn't the first's equal, but it's close...
  9. Harold & Kumar - fun, fun, fun...stupid, dumb, fun...
  10. Star Wars (original) - I really don't enjoy Star Wars even though I recognize that they're of excellent quality...they're just not my favorites out there
  11. Spider-Man (Toby McGuire)- first one really good, second one even better, third kinda stinks, especially the emo Peter Parker...keep your hair out of your eyes, dorkbutt
  12. The Matrix - if somehow they'd manage to keep up the same quality as the first film, this would probably be in the top three or four...I remember being absolutely stunned watching the first film in the theater, jaw agape, shocked...the special effects, the look, the whole package...then came the second film and the orgy in Zion...then the horrible, multiple Agent Smiths in the finale...yuck-oh
  13. Austin Powers - fun but without much staying power...they aren't nearly as much fun upon second viewing, and that makes me wonder if the third film would be any good at all...
  14. Naked Gun - it's fun, but it's nothing that I have to sit still and watch for more than a couple of minutes at a time
Which trilogies should I finish up to add them into the list?

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