January 25, 2007

Everything in moderation...

I've been asked about this in class a bunch of times, and I had some vague notion (from being told in class or reading it somewhere) that it was possible to get drunk from water - something about thinning the blood, getting less oxygen to the brain, but I had no idea that it was possible to straight up die from water intoxication.

Well, it seems to have happened. I'm sure there's going to be some investigating into the recent death of a California woman who lost her life after losing a radio station-sponsored contest in which the contestants had to drink water without relieving themselves in hopes of winning a Nintendo Wii.

I'm thinking that somebody just might be losing their job over this one.

It's like when Johnny Fever ran the contest and nearly cost KRP $10K (or something, I can't find the clip anywhere).

It all comes back to sit-coms, doesn't it?

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