January 24, 2007

Five by five by three - location-style

Ah, the vagaries of memory. I would happily bet that loads of films have been forgotten on these lists, but that's the way the neurons crumble, eh?

Favorite films I saw at the Vogue:
  1. Shallow Grave
  2. Blade Runner
  3. Charade
  4. Legend of the Overfiend
  5. Indochine
Favorite films I saw at the Rave:
  1. Hero
  2. Sin City
  3. Batman Begins
  4. Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkhaban
  5. I see a lot of films at the Rave...I'm sure I've forgotten a dozen better flicks
Favorite films I saw at the Esquire:
  1. Pi
  2. I am Trying to Break Your Heart
  3. Layer Cake
  4. Brokeback Mountain
  5. The Aristocrats
Favorite films I own:
  1. Hoosiers
  2. The Big Lebowski
  3. Hero
  4. Field of Dreams
  5. Chasing Amy
Favorite films I saw overseas - most at the Odeon:
  1. Pulp Fiction
  2. Leon
  3. Interview with a Vampire
  4. Stargate
  5. Stargate
Ok, folks, I'm bored with choosing top five movies by various actors. It's too easy, all I have to do is hop on imdb and check around. Gimme some suggestions for genres / directors / topics for top five lists. I promise that I'll return to regular postings for a while, but I'd like to to one post of five by fives a month, and I'm slightly stumped on what to use for topics.

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