December 11, 2007

My blogospheric haunts

In case you were curious as to which blogs I check on a regular basis, here they are...

Personal Blogs...
  • IDTMI - there's my blog, of course, but you know about that because otherwise you'd not be here reading this.
  • I Am Kyle's self-indulgence - Kyle and I have some surprisingly similar tastes in media and careers, though we certainly part ways on religion and kids. This one's a fair bit like my blog in that it's pretty much just whatever he feels like posting from day to day - video of his kids, movie reviews, general rants, whatever.
  • You Know It. - Annie's a beast of an artists, and she posts a lot of her casual works on this livejournal blog. Plus she's a PHS grad - something you'll see becomes a pattern in the personal blogs that I check regularly.
  • A coworker's blog - That's not its actual name, and she has asked that I not link to her blog from mine because while I keep my blog appropriate to be linked from my school webpage, she doesn't quite. I do check it regularly, however, and I know she lurks 'round here from time to time so I wanted to give her a shout out that I enjoy the heck out of her blog.
  • random musings of a twisted mind - The Sister's blog isn't updated too frequently, but it's always nice to read some shared recollections of childhood.
  • My thoughts - Another one that isn't updated too frequently, what with his other responsibilities. Commentaries tend to hang around sports, music, and movies more than most other topics, and I went to junior high and high school with Coach Sullivan. He's kinda a good friend.
  • Youheardme - No link here because this former coworker and frequent commenter on my blog has gone off the ranch and included vulgarity in his blog, but if you look for his profile, his blog won't be too tough to find. It's an often fascinating read and a fun commentary on media and the internets as a whole.
  • Amandalynferri - A while back AmandaLyn took off - or made private or something - a bunch of her videos, taking her numbers down from 91 posts to 35, which is a crime, but those 35 are well worth a view through.
  • Meet New School - I think this guy might've been the first former student of mine whose blog I came across - not that he didn't help with a mention of the blog in one of my comments. One of the best that we've put out from PHS and a heck of a Pasta for Pennies stallworth, Joey's blog focuses on life at college with all the video games that such a life entails.
  • phsstudent - A solid and steady blogger from somewhere near the Hundred Mile Wilderness up at Colby College and a former student of mine. He's another video game fan and a frequent reader 'round these parts.
  • Annamarie - A coworker of Amandalynfarri who I'd have to admit I've got a little bit of a crush on. Another entertaining video blog via vimeo.
  • Definitely Maybe... - This one's from a rookie blogger who's one of my student aides this year. She hasn't found her voice just yet and might or might not stick with the blogging thing for a consistent basis, but I dig her enough that I'll be following along in case she does.
  • Good to Go! - Anoher one from a rookie blogger, but this one's trying to make a go of regular postings. Another great friend of mine who hangs around this blog a fair bit. Her posts tend toward the slightly more personal than mine do, so you might need to know her to check things regularly, but if you do, she's a bit of an open book over there. Open to some things, anyway.
Entertainment Blogs...
  • Transbuddha - The tone of this one changes from time to time, and it does show some NSFW hings here and there, but they're also group of outstanding collectors of the entertainment around our interwebs.
  • essays & effluvia - Another aggreator of interweb entertainment - much less frequent than Transbuddha with just one post a day - Sunday's are always Beatle clips - the commentaries are very, very short, mostly just letting the image or video speak for itself.
  • We are game - They do a nice job throwing forth a very regular stream of web games - flash, java, etc. I'm amazed how many awesome games there are that I would otherwise miss.
  • YesButNoButYes - Another site that's pretty similar to Transbuddha in that it's a clip-heavy collector of interwebs entertainment. They're big fans of the BBC and of loads of movies - right up my alley. Plus they're willing to work blue when the time is necessary.
  • Branded in the 80s - Journey back to the days of puffy stickers, Garbage Pail Kids, scratch 'n' sniffs, and the Dungeons & Dragons cartoon with this rockin' 80s madman.
  • Say No to Crack - The college boy's a little less frequent that Yesbut and the buddha, but it's still some high quality interweb entertainment.
Technology Blogs...
  • Technically Overboard - Rob's a stud with the regular postings - a dozen every couple of years. He's way into tech and software so I tend to find as many helpful things as I do entertaining things.
  • (That's pretty much it for me since No Sheep's recent redesign.)
Comic Book Blogs...
  • Collected Edition - Gotta love the DC-heavy trade paperback blog. His reviews are thorough and well-written, and he's all comic book loverish.
  • Dave's Long Box - Here's another comic book blog but with more four-letter wods, hence the lack of a link. Dave's more likely to pick a random issue from his collection (hence the long box part of the title) and to riff for a while than he is to produce a true, coherent review. Less useful but often more entertaining.
  • Chris's Invincible Super-Blog - Now here are some serious comic reviews. Each week he goes through his pull list and reviews all of the issues - some in depth, some superficially. Plus we get to hear about what's coming via the new solicitations list. This is a comic store junky blog.
  • Mike Sterling's Progressive Ruin - More frivolous that Collective Editions but way more on-topic than Dave's.
Music Blogs...
  • Some Velvet Blog - With regular postings of mp3s for you to check out - for a limited time, of course - you can get a rockin' tour of the newest music around the interblags.
  • The Late Greats - This guy tends a lot more toward what you'd call indy music and the unsigned artists - might have something to do with the litigousness (is that spelled right?) of most music labels, but it means I'm more hit or miss on listening to the tracks.
Food Blogs...
  • Candy Addict - Reviews of cool candies both new and retro. It's a load of fun for a sugarfreak like me.
  • Candy Blog - This site's another candy-centric blog but with a slightly higher, more refined palate.
  • Slashfood - Now here's a refined palate. They mix in recipes and restaurant reviews with a seemingly daily report of the food holiday du jour. It's an epicurian dream blog.
  • JunkFoodBlog - And refined is the total opposite of what this blog is all about.
  • Never Bashful With Butter - a new find thanks to TL, but dear god do these recipes read well. I'm halfway through making my first from the site - bacon chocolate chip cookies - and the kitchen smells amazing.
Sports blogs...
  • UniWatch - This is a sports uniform obsessive's absolute dream. They go through every bit of historical and current minutia possible if it's related somehow to the study of sports unis.
  • The Soul of Baseball - Highly literate, thoughtful baseball writing is hard tom comeby - but it's rather frequent on this blog.
  • Shysterball - Lawyers, baseball, and stats analysis up the's a clear heaven.
  • Baseball Musings - Mostly a collection of links to baseball stories around the web - not much analysis but good currency.
  • Amazin' Avenue - A Met-centric blog with good analysis. I especially enjoy their "Top 50 Mets" series which will hopefully start up this off-season.
  • Church of Baseball - And a Reds-centric blog to balance it out. It's not the equal in statheadedness of the next one, but it's an interesting set of opinions.
  • On Baseball and the Reds - JinAZ does a masterful job of analyzing the Reds in and out of the season. Very thoughtful, largely numbers-based thoughts on my favorite team.
  • The Hardball Times - This one's easily my favorite baseball blog on the net. Loads of stats and some interestng contibutions from all around. Great win-shares data, division race graphs, and links to lots more.
  • The Baseball Analysts - Tends to drift a bit into nostalgia because one of the main writers is the kid of a Dodger front office guy from decades back, but when they stick to analysis of current players and teams, it's high quality.
  • (Sadly, I can't possibly link to the two or three sports sites that I check most frequently because then my blog wouldn't be school-appropriate. Sorry, folks.)
Cincinnati blogs...
  • Cincinnati Blog - This one's all about the view from Downtown Cincinnati, and it makes me think I'd like to live down there if it weren't for the fact that I dig my house and my dogs and my yard out in West Chester.
  • The 'Nati Life - Another Cincy-centric blog that keeps me up to date on what's happening in the real town.
And that's why I don't get things accomplished on half the days I turn my computer on.


  1. How could you forget the word verification blog???

    wv: nekbox

  2. I got a plug! And an actual link! Thanks!


  3. HA - thats a first time I've been called a stud since the 70's :-)

    Least I assume so, since most of those years are a Technicolor blur....

    Thanks bud, I read you just about every day too.

    Cap'n Rob

  4. I'm touched...and when the team goes to the Bahamas without me next week, I might have a little free time to finish the dozen blogs I've started over the past six months and never posted.

  5. You guys - Dan, Joey, Lakes, Calen, Rob, Sully - all deserve full kudos. In very different ways, you add a little something entertaining and occasionally thought-provoking into the blogosphere.

    It's a lot of fun to skim through what you folks are thinking about from time to time.

  6. Thanks for the link from one of our fav'rit commenters! All the comics blogs you mentioned are good stuff.

    Thanks again!
