March 31, 2008

Easy, quick, and way cheaper

I'm getting tired of my glasses. They always seem to be smudged or scratched. They fog up every time I open the dishwasher or come in from the cold. They're just annoying.

And I tried contacts for a while but started to get eye infections and don't want to deal with that again.

I'd thought about Lasik but didn't want to pay the thousand dollars that it would cost or risk some quack ruining my sight by lasering my eye just wrong.

So Lasik is out...

...our it was until now. Check out the new Lasik at home website.

I'm buying me one of those today.


  1. I wasn't convinced until I saw the four easy steps section of the website.

    Can I borrow it when you're finished?

  2. Sadly, comes customized for the exact prescription that your eyes need...unless you and I have the same prescription (you could wear my glasses, in other words), it won't work for both of us...

    anybody with the same prescription as mine, however, is welcome to it when I get finished with it next week

  3. I don't think I could wear your glasses...I'd probably feel dizzy with your prescription...

  4. Sounds scary. I'll stick with contacts.

  5. dude that's way to convincing!

  6. What do you mean convincing?

  7. This sounds a little too good to be true...

    Any idea on if the FDA will give a comment on it any time soon? If you are gonna do it, let me know how it works out

  8. My brother had the surgery done when he joined the special forces and he's absolutely fine. The army paid for it, though... Bad thing is, it happened in the Middle East, so obviously it was beyond the doctors to prescribe the correct painkillers and he was in agony for a few days. I know the current methods are supposed to be painless, but this was years and year ago.

  9. not nuts at's on the internets, so it but be safe, right?

    and I assume the FDA had already approved, same reason - it's on the interwebs...

    TL - your bro wasn't able to do it in the comfort of his own living room, was he?...that's the advancements of science here in the land of the free and the home of the Braves...
