April 1, 2008

10 Weird Things I Do

'Cause you did it first...
  1. I count stairs when I climb them. I start with the initial landing as #1, and I remember what most of the sets of stairs that I climb regularly have. The steps up from my garage, for example, count nine.
  2. My mantle has stuffed animals on it - like a dozen of them. A couple of times a year, The Girl and I go to Valley Thrift and drop five or ten bucks and get stuffed animals for our elder dog to carry around like his baby, use as a pillow, and eventually eviscerate.
  3. Once every spring break - and summer break, too - I get up obscenely early and head to Little Dutch Bakery (in Mt Healthy) for an apple fritter fresh out of the fryer.
  4. I make my cat dance from time to time - hooking my thumbs under her front armpits and making her move. Her typical move from there is to kick and punch one of our dogs while I make bad kung-fu movie dialogue about them.
  5. I put pretty much everything into spreadsheets and have been for a few years. If somebody asks me to type up a list, it'll be on Excel so I can sort it a hundred different ways. And anytime somebody sends me data on an excel spreadsheet, you can bet that I'm going to resort it and ask questions.
  6. I'm a completist. At one point I owned every cd by Neil Young, Queen, Wilco, Richard Thompson, The Beatles, Ryan Adams, Chris Isaak, and John Mellencamp. As tastes have shifted, I've gotten rid of lots of them. I do the same with songs, too, and the best example of it is when I couldn't find the 80's music collection I wanted (every cd had some crap songs), I hunted down (in pre-iTunes days) about 400 songs of the 80s and made myself an eighteen-disc collection that is perfect 80s to me. And I have every figure (including the alternates) of the Kevin Smith Inaction Figures for the first three series.
  7. I write a blog to which I am (for some reason that exists pretty much only in my head) desperate to post to every day.
  8. I play everything to win. I just borrowed the Wii game Zach and Wiki, and I don't really enjoy it. So I'm playing it semi-obsessively until I win it so I can return it. I play Wii Tennis to win and get little enjoyment just playing around - especially if the other person isn't taking it seriously. If I find an online game that has me frustrated, I either quit or search for a walkthru and finish it so I can move on. I'm not a good person, clearly.
  9. At home in the winter, I spend nearly every weekend day in some variation of jeans, hoody, ballcap, socks (no shoes if I'm just 'round home) and it's about a 50-50 chance that I'm not going to leave the home or even shower on a typical weekend day if I don't have a pre-scheduled social engagement. Sometimes, this level of laziness drives The Girl bonkers.
  10. I spend most nights sleeping five on the bed - the order from left to right if you stood at the foot of the bed and looked at the menagerie is Dog #2 (under covers), The Girl, Dog #1 (on top of covers), and then ChemGuy with the cat on top of one of the aforementioned people. No kids...pets rule.
For those of you who know me, I'm kind of curious to hear what you think I should've included on the list but didn't.


  1. You need to post more memes...

    You didn't include the fact that your fantasy leagues must have themes each year and that the teams in those themed leagues all have to somehow fit the theme...

    you know...like when you were the Gunga ga lungas for the CaddyShack league...

  2. ^^ that actually made me lol. in a "WHY DIDNT I THINK OF THAT?!" kinda way.

    i completely agree with the "want to win in everything" statement. evidence: your posting of your (always sickeningly high) high scores for every game. ever. and caveman foozeball.

    you always do the hair swooshy thing to the right...i think? maybe left. but its always one way!!!

    and you refuse to call on the same person more than twice. i like that. it made me learn to shut the $#@$ up and let other people talk.

    your iTunes playlist obsession. post a couple of those for the world to know. I have also started this. anything from purely "90s" to "what song is this?" (unrated songs with a play count <2 that i haven't heard in 30 days)

    thats enough. i really should stop while im ahead

  3. I really enjoyed the random Facts of Life reference.

    Other then that, having known you for 29 years I plead the 5th here.

    BTW... help a sister out if you can think of anything you are jonesing for for your bday.

  4. You do this great affirmation thing when you're listening to someone where you say "OK" nod your head downward and blink all at the same time.
    I miss that.
    Great post...I could never sleep with all of that in my bed. My 5:
    Two pillows, comforter, the remote to my stereo, me.

  5. I always wondered if a landing or the ground floor counted as "one".

    #3 sounds divine.

    My husband and I practice #4 religiously. Our cats have lost whatever dignity they may have been afforded when we gave them covered litters.

    #8 how sad. I have neither the time nor the inclination to try to beat a game I don't even enjoy. My husband just got us Super Smash Bros for the Wii, and it makes my brain hurt.

    Sadly, I don't know you well enough to add any more to your list. I guess we could both add that we have some colleagues that we have "spoken" to far more online than face to face! We're all such freaking geeks.

  6. As always, in order...

    Calen - yes, I do have the fantasy league thing...we've done inappropriate Hannah Barbara names, CaddyShack, The Big Lebowski, Simpsons, and Blazing Saddles...plus this year's which I can't mention here...

    Joey - it's a blast...give the league a nice flavor...the hair thing is pretty obvious (and to my right) to anybdoy who's seen me with the long hair, so I didn't want to include it...yeah, I'm rather competitive...I'll post a full list of iPod playlists for your benefit one of these days...

    Ame - glad you caught the Fact of Life (it wasn't quite random since I was posting the facts of my life)...

    Achilles - wow...thanks...that's actually one of the most moving things that anybody's said about me in a long while...wow...

    TL - thanks for the inspiration, by the way...the fritters are awesome...had one just last Thursday...so tasty...we did the covered litter box for a while but gave it up in favor of the automatic scooper - it's been a marriage saver...I prefer being called a neo maxie zoom bweebie, but thanks...
