May 13, 2008

Because I know you've been wondering

Ok, it took a while to get everything figured out, but thanks to Google answers, I found how to export my entire iTunes library (minus "Handelbars" by the Flobots, 'cause I just bought it a few minutes ago) into an excel file which I then uploaded to Google Docs for everybody to see.

I tell ya, the cloud is the computer.

So, take a look at my music and tell me where my inexcusable gaps are.


  1. i am assuming this is your "home" computer, given the plethora of 80/100 ratings?

  2. glad to see that you really dig ryan adams... is that like every song of his ever? many of the other huge collections didnt surprise me, but i feel like i would have played more ryan adams if there was that big of a chunck sitting there

    its also interesting to me that while not everyone loves the beatles, it seems that everyone likes at least one of thier albums... apparently you are partial to revolver (at least in the mildly like range)... im more of an abbey road sessions person

    also glad to see that the muppets have a combined 34 plays, all solid songs.

    marcy playground but no sex and candy?

    U2, hurl.

  3. I HAVE your music and LOVE it all!

    that's WV

  4. I'm gonna go ahead and direct you over to for a wealth of Wilco bootlegs, all of which are fantastic. I'd especially recommend looking into a Jeff Tweedy solo acoustic show or two.

    The files come in a weird format (.flac or .shn usually) but the site has a pretty good page on how to switch it into something iTunes recognizes. I use dbPoweramp for the conversion and it's pretty slick.

  5. I approve. Because I know that's all you were looking for. But...of Tom Waits, no Heart of Saturday Night? Also, kind of in response to Joey, I happen to have eight hours of Beatles. Scary...

    And Wilco bootlegs! Yes!

    Glad to see the loving of Vampire Weekend.

    Nice choice of one Toto song, although I would also have Africa.

    Hooray for the Squirrel Nut Zippers.

  6. Well, you've inspired me to leave a blog about my music collection, which I'm actually a little stunned I haven't already done. Looks like you're much more discriminating about what you put on your iPod, as opposed to the shotgun approach I have of collecting every bit of popular music no matter how tripe.

  7. I'm here for the Beatles trump, with a collected 23 hours of Beatles.

  8. Joey - it's very much the home computer...lots of not for school music there...I'm big on Ryan Adams - there was a fair bit on the school computer, dunno...and I'm actually more of an Abbey Road guy myself, surprised it's not on the iTunes...the muppets 'em...shut up about U2...

    Lakes - and I've got some of yours...I've been adding to the portable hard drive which now has way more than will fit on my computer...I've been searching Dell to see about getting a new one...'cause I want one...

    Matthew - my hard drive now hates you...hold crap is that awesome...thank the Wilco them...I've already got four or five cds of live Tweedy, just not on the computer...sadly the space is limited...

    Matthew, again (awesome, man) - Thanks to The Girl having taken Z401, Z201, and Z202 at IU, we've got every Beatles regular release + One + Let it Be: naked, a bootleg from the Quarrymen, and the three Anthologies...she's a winner...and a catch...

    Sully - you, sir, dwarf my collection...I gotta look through yours this weekend to see what you've got...

    Dan - Tom Waits is hit or miss with me...gimme Nighthawks at the Diner, it's more theater for me..."Rosanna" > "Africa"...both good, though...Dan, your collection gets a look this weekend, too...
