May 14, 2008

We're too late

So we missed our chance.

The Girl and I have been making little steps here and there to be a little more green, and apparently a while back she mentioned something called a CSA - community supported agriculture. Of course I don't remember her telling me about it, but she swears she did, and I'll readily admit that I'm not always the best at paying attention.

So when I stumbled across the list of local farms that have CSAs of their own - including Gravel Knolls Farm which I pass every time I'm coming home from the library.

The gig's pretty simple enough, for $500 you get one of 100 shares of the produce that the all summer long. You get a great assortment of fresh produce, all of which is in season and was grown within about ten miles of home. It's a great deal and a huge step in the right direction for us. Plus they also raise chickens which means fresh, local poultry and eggs - no beef yet, but they've promised to hook us up with a few local beef and pork producers.

Sadly, however, the CSA applications opened back in January, and they're totally sold out at this point.

I'm thinking that perhaps I should actually listen to things that The Girl says.

Heck, I'll try pretty much anything once...


  1. I have undergone a MAJOR diet shift since being here so I love reading about your pursuits with local food.

    i'm gonna blog about this soon BUT have you seen the doc "The World According to Monsanto"?

    This is the most important life changing doc I have ever seen. Monsanto is the devil and our food futures may well be in the toilet.

  2. Haven't seen it yet, but I'd heard impressive things about it.

    I'll give it a try...thanks...
