May 15, 2008

My sports thoughts

This video of Kevin Garnett sitting down with Bill Russell and talking about winning a championship brings chills to me. It could be the masterful and subtle music in the background, a sort of Natural/Field of Dreams kind of thing, but it could just be that there is a real friendship there.

Something entirely not shocking seems to be going on with OJ Mayo.

Over the past weekend, ESPN reported that Mayo has been taking cash & gifts from a sports marketing agency since he was playing back in Kentucky, and Pat Forde brought up the idea of lack of institutional control at USC with the allegations of payments to both Mayo and Reggie Bush.

I would much rather see Mayo and Bush - and USC - convicted in a legitimate NCAA investigation rather than on ESPN and in the court of public opinion, but I'd settle for just a thorough NCAA investigation rather than the crap-sham that we got with the Bush investigation.

If colleges, universities, and even high schools are ever to truly be academic institutions, they will have to distance themselves much further from the money that passes back and froth around sports - most notably basketball and football. Until then, we are all enjoying the spoils of a hypocritical term like student-athlete all too often.

PS - check out Tim Keown's take on the whole thing. As much as I love college basketball and long for the days when the best players would give college at least three years and more often four, this one-and-done crap has to stop one way or the other.

I'm thinking that this girl is pretty much going to be writing her ticket to any big-time athletic program in the nation.

The Beastie Boys are way cooler than Michael Beasley - as as proven.

I'm thinking that these new Olympic unis are going to make Canadia look stupid. Which is saying something...

Arlan Specter should find a hundred thousand other things to pass the time.

'Cause I don't care about Spygate.


  1. The only thing that bugs me about the Bill Russell commercial is that KG hasn't really won anything. What is it something like 3 series in 13 seasons. Bill Russell won 11 championships. Big difference.

  2. I thought the KG Bill Russel thing was soooooo over done and hokey. The music was dripping with "This IS a moment and IS NOT contrived".
    i'm just thrilled I got to type that:-)

    Colleges are such suckers. Student athletes HAHA! The saddest thing is its getting worse and shows no signs of improving.

    What's her name high school girl is my new favorite athlete!

    I LOVE the Canadia Unis!

    "Here's a little story I'd like to tell about 3 bad brothas you know so well..."

  3. The Canada uni's look like Zubaz. Hurl.

    I'm starting to become an all-around annoying-Boston-bandwagon fan. I love the patriots, sue me. This Celtics team has made me actually pay attention to the NBA for the first time in my entire life. I'm sure I'm not the only one either.

  4. Agreed, Craig...but there's something to be said the the sense of history that the Celtics tend to a connection backwards through the greatest dynasty ever...

    Lakes...yeah, sappy, but it worked on me..."It started way back in history - With Adrock, M.C.A., and me, Mike D."

    Joey...zubaz were the bomb...go, Boston...go, Celtics...
