May 14, 2008

Oh, and these, too...

It's weird...I own like 600 cd's, but I probably haven't listened to even forty of them over the past few years. Since iTunes came into heavy usage, the plastic discs have sort of been shuffled to the side of the road.

I haven't grabbed them all onto my hard drive yet (space issues, doncha know), but I don't want to get rid of them, either. So, what's a guy to do?

A couple of weeks ago, a guy I teach with asked if he could borrow some of my music to burn onto his home computer because he was bored with what was on his iPod, and he likes a lot of the music that's playing from my room in the morning.

Sure, man, but I don't have a list of all the cd's that I have at home anymore. I used to keep an excel spreadsheet that I would update every summer or so, but that's not happened in probably four years.

So here's my alphabetical order by artist, of course. And - at The Girl's insistance when we first comingled our cds - in chronological order within artist.


  1. Alphabetical order within artist? That's crazy talk! You've got to do chronological order within artist, with all singles following the albums they are connected with.

  2. no, alphabetical order by artist...Beasties right before Beatles...

    within each artist, however, things are in chronological order - Let it Be recorded before Abbey Road, so shelved before...

    any collections get placed according to year of do singles...sorry...
