August 10, 2009

Current rankings

In the eyes of ChemGuy...
  1. The Girl
  2. LeRoy
  3. Harlan
  4. Aylah
In the eyes of The Girl (rankings guessed at by ChemGuy)
  1. ChemGuy
  2. Harlan
  3. LeRoy
  4. Aylah
In the eyes of Aylah (senior pet based on longevity)...
  1. The Girl
  2. LeRoy
  3. ChemGuy
  4. Harlan
In the eyes of LeRoy (next most senior pet)...
  1. ChemGuy
  2. The Girl
  3. Harlan
  4. Aylah
In the eyes of Harlan (rookie pet)...
  1. The Girl
  2. ChemGuy
  3. LeRoy
  4. Aylah
just in case you were curious...

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