August 8, 2009

Trying something here

I got tired of all the wide-screen YouTube videos covering up the links in the right sidebar.

Better or worse than it was before?


  1. Don't know about what you're asking for, but that's the best freaking evolution cartoon I've ever seen.

    "Immunity to ebola, immunity to ebola!!"

    If only it were that easy.

  2. I'm playing with the width. Notice that the area for the posts is now about 200 pixels wider than it had previously been so that the YouTube videos in widescreen don't cover up the links in the column to the right.

    Is this new, wider layout a better choice than the previous layout?

  3. I never noticed the links in the column to the right being covered up in any of your previous posts...ever.

    The only thing I did notice was that the Dr. Parnassus video was wider than the YouTube clips used to be.

    The adaption cartoon was little and tiny and squished to the left in comparison though.

    Is that what you meant?

  4. The YouTube videos have been getting wider and wider as they add in the widescreen videos. Check the Lily Allen vid from earlier this week. It was wider, and at the time, it was covering up the links to the right.

    The squishedness of the cartoon was just my choice of uploading things in small / medium / large format.

  5. The Lily Allen videos didn't change cover the links on the right on my computer.

    They didn't appear widescreen like the Parnassus embed did. It didn't look any different - on my screen anyway
