October 18, 2010

Update: A friend's kid gets the call up...then sent back to the jv squad...

A month or so ago, I pointed out the new, next big thing in the Boston pop scene, the Varsity Girls.

I wandered over to their website after hearing their first single play on my iTunes today and noticed something a little troubling.

It appears that was once a group of five...including the girl that I know (see about 3:00 in, purple sweatshirt)...

...is now four. 

According to their website...(emphasis added)...
Hailing from Boston, Massachusetts, the four girls of The Varsity Girls offer a fusion of differing musical backgrounds and unique vocals...Simone Cardoso (15), Jillian Zucco (16), Kimber-lee Jacobsen (18) and Jillian Jensen (18).
Um, none of those is the girl that I know.  Wonder what happened.

Seems a little early in the musical career for the group to be going all Stu Sutcliffe on one of their own.

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