February 16, 2011

This bothers me

I don't give a crap about Malcolm's problems. Apparently he's got a girlfriend, and thir relationship had a rough night.


My problem is with this picture that buzzfeed provided to illustrate the story.

Look at the girl's left foot.

Is her left leg like six inches shorter than her right? Is it behind him or in front of him? Is it flat on the ground or floating in the air?

Is that photoshop, or am I just this messed up this early in the morning?


  1. Her legs are apart and her left food is behind his right leg. His jeans are folding oddly so it looks like her left leg is shorter than the right, but if it really were, she'd have one of those awesome larger soles on the right foot so she didn't topple over every time she walked.

    Or...she's kicking him in the calf.

  2. Her left foot is behind his leg because it's smaller. Got that.

    But her left foot is also in front of his leg because it's in front of the jeans.

    Or his jeans could be on the ground - but that would require his ankle to be flat on the ground meaning his legs bend at the shin instead.

    Or her left leg could be on a nearly invisible step with his jeans trapped underneath her toes.

  3. can we talk about how hot she is and the fact that she is with malcolm in the middle? no middle child could bag that kind of woman.

    clearly photoshopz

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