February 17, 2011

Update: The new photo home

It's been about ten months since I threw my online photo world in with Picasa using the PHSVikings account id.

Since then I've uploaded 324 albums (some a number of times - particularly in the past week since our school firewall got some redefinitions and fobbed things right up), 44 of them have come from this school year. I've worked my way posting back catalog into the '07-'08 school year.

I'm, admittedly, not thrilled with the pace of either of those (I wanted to have the entire back catalog posted by the end of 1st semester - and I'd been posting a hundred photo albums a year when I was running the website), but at least the pictures are still out there somewhere.

I am a little disappointed that I have no clue whatsoever whether anybody is ever checking the photos. I'm getting no feedback from current students and certainly no emails from anybody asking me for larger versions of the photos I'm posting. As far as I can tell, I'm pretty much posting the photos so I can say I'm still posting photos. From time to time, I notice a Facebook account using one of the photos from the Picasa account, but other than that I'm not sure there's a reason to keep posting the photos.

But I'm still posting them.


  1. please, keep posting them. I check it on a semi-regular basis waiting for you you get to my honors chem year. I was able to save a few of me (hilarious jew-fro and all) from the old website but i doubt i got all of them

    thanks for the effort, it's definitely not going unnoticed

  2. Definitely found a few gems back in the archives just now!

  3. At least there are a few people paying attention. Thanks for that reassurance, folks.
