August 16, 2011

For the newbies...

Every year I get a few new readers as I point my students to my class website - which now has a non-hidden link to this blog - and thought I'd take a moment to point out a couple of things that might be helpful to them.

There's the PHS wikipedia page that I originally created and wrote but that has since been heavily - and occasionally vulgarly - edited.

There's the Picasa Web account where I now post all of my school photos.  No personal photos there, just stuff that happens related to PHS.  Photos go back through the '05-'06 school year with a heaver presence toward the present day. I'll be posting photos of your class there when we start doing labs.

I've created a PHS Pasta for Pennies facebook page where we (Calen - that's Mrs Heckman - and I) will be posting events and campaign updates.  This won't replace the campaign's main website, but it'll be an easy way for the facebook crüe to keep track of the campaign.  The first meeting we're having - next week, August 25th - is already up there.

If you're curious about the title of the blog, feel free to go back and see the origin of the phrase as well as the series of columns that grew out of it.

If you're actually looking to learn something about me, feel free to click on the narcissism tag over in the cloud.

I tend to use nicknames around here, mostly because I'm not sure that everyone wants to have their real names spread far and wide on the intertubes.  You can check an old list of who those nicknames are in this post.

For the non-noobs, yes, this post might seem familiar. Last year around this time some of my regulars offered some advice as to what they think you should read around here. Check their advice if you wanna.


  1. Just an aside on the list of Who's Who. Your Father is now the longest currently teaching teacher in the school system by 2 years. Meaning he is officially "the old man" to most teachers.

  2. Just so long as he hangs on another 13 years so he can have Katie in class...

  3. Ame - It's about time. He's on year 46 this year, I think.

    Sully - You're looking for the man to still be teaching when he's 80?
