June 3, 2024

Look at our dogs

I know you've been desperate to see what's up with the animals at Case de ChemGuy, so here you are.

Our first pet was Aylah, a white cat who was with The Girl in college and moved with us to Cincinnati, Aylah passed away last summer on the morning of July Fourth after fighting cancer and eventually having her leg amputated.

We also had two more cat, Piddiddle (rescued from a friend of The Girl's who was going through a nasty divorce) and Minnie (rescued from The Girl's mother who happened to have life-threatening cat allergies.) Apparently we took one digital photo of Minnie and none of Piddidle, though.

The first of our dogs was LeRoy, a mutt who was loved terribly by Aylah and by us. I still can't write about LeRoy without getting a bit of dust in my eye. He was a spectacular dog and the one pet who was closer to me than to The Girl.

About a year later, Harlan came into our lives thanks to the Save the Animals Foundation over on Red Bank Road. Harlan, LeRoy, and Aylah were a trio with us for nearly a decade, and Harlan and Aylah passed away within a few days of each other last summer.

We were a one-dog, one-cat family for a short while after LeRoy passed away, and The Girl went hunting for a young dog to bring in and keep Harlan company, maybe to be able to pass some of his spectacular personality on to. That's when we got Clementine, a loveable pit bull who came to us pudgy, quickly got fat, and now is a gorgeous, lumbering dog.

Hollis is the last dog to permanently join our home, and he also came - as did Clementine - from the Adore-a-Bull rescue group. He's energetic, loving, desperate to lick everyone incessantly, and a great addition to the family.

We've also taken to housing foster dogs for the Adore-a-Bull group, having had Hattie for a couple of months...

...Walker for a couple of months...

...and now Dot for less than a week so far.

Pepper - a friend's dog - has also visited on a few occasions...

July 27, 2015

10 years of this crap

And I think we're done here...

It's been ten years and ten days since my first post, and I think it's time to draw the shutters closed and lock this place up.

I started this blog as a place to put down some of my thoughts and possibly connect with my students. I think I managed some success in both of those realms, and I was able to connect with a few other friends along the way as well.

I want to thank my many readers for the past decade, especially those who commented and challenged my missives. I hope that my 3599 posts have provided you a fair bit of entertainment over the decade.

Feel free to check my ongoing material science blog, Materials Witness.

Mr Tea is peeing in a cuppa

The Guardian's resident food equipment blogger, Rhik Samadder, has been suffering for our entertainment for a couple of months now, trying out all sorts of horrific kitchen gadgets and the food produced therefrom...

There's Mr Tea, quietly and horrifically peeing into your cup of brewed goodness...

There's Garlic Zoom, a stagecoach of garlic chopping fun...

And most horribly the Egg Master, creator of tubular eggs...

July 26, 2015

July 24, 2015

Update: Collectible Minifigs series...um...14?

MinifigPriceGuide.com has an image of collectible minifigure series 14, subtitled Monsters, confirming what we've already known about the series: that they're going to be Halloween-themed.

The image isn't in high resolution because it's a scan from a small image in a print catalog.

Of more interest, though, are the various figure prototype images on the same story, some of which we hadn't seen before.

July 23, 2015

Robert Downey, Jr's paycheck

Today I'm providing just a few facts about what Robert Downey, Jr is paid for the Marvel movies:
  • The Avengers - $50 million
  • Iron Man 3 - $75 million
  • Avengers: Age of Ultron - $80 million
  • Captain America; Civil War - $80 million
My source: Uproxx (whose sources are Forbes, IGN, CBM, and Variety)

Plus, he has the big, giant A from the side of the mythical Stark Tower in his house.

He really is Tony Stark, isn't he?