- 8Tracks (117) - I've been making mixtapes and playing DJ for a very long time. 8Tracks is the newest incarnation of this urge to share music with people. Seeqpod went away, and I miss its lack of restrictions (playlists of all one artists aren't allowed on 8Tracks), but I've apparently moved on just fine.
- blogs (87) - I loves me some internet, and there's so much content out there to find. Most of these blogs are ones I don't follow religiously, but they're ones I've enjoyed for at least a moment somewhere along the way.
- Cincinnati (69) - It's my adopted hometown (not The Hometown), and there's a lot of stuff to enjoy out there from the best steaks and burgers to tennis tourneys and awesome parks.
- comics (169) - I like comic books in case you hadn't noticed.
- education (72) - The Pater Familias is a teacher. My sister is a teacher. The Girl started as a teacher, and her mom still is a teacher. I teach. Most of my friends teach. It's not a surprise that I'm kind of interested in education.
- food (118) - I like to eat, and I don't mind sharing that fact with you folks - especially if it saves you from eating some of the crap I've eaten along the way.
- games (105) - From Vectrex onward, I've always loved video games. The shift from console-based games to flash games in browsers is an interesting movement to me, as is the use of our bodies as controllers.
- links (233) - I browse a whole lot of internet time, and each week I present you folks with a few highlights. The links posts are those posts.
- movies (274) - There are very few things that I enjoy more than seeing a good movie on the big screen. Yeah, I'm cheap enough to wait for most of them to come to the library so I can see them for free, but some just need to be seen in the huge format.
- music (446) - Interestingly, The Pater Familias couldn't possibly care less about music. He vaguely enjoys cowboy music, but mostly he doesn't care about any tunes, singers, or songs. He doesn't turn his truck's radio on unless he's listening to sports. Mom, on the other hand, would have music playing most anytime when we grew up. She played the guitar and sang us lullabies. She's seen probably a hundred concerts - Bob Dylan makes up half of them, I'm sure. I inherited her love of music.
- narcissism (146) - If this isn't the essence of blogging, I don't know what is.
- oddities (107) - A lot of the blog's content doesn't fit into any particular category, but it's just weird stuff.
- politics (121) - The music comes from mom, but the interest in politics comes more from The Pater Familias, a high school government teacher. I tend to vacillate between feeling hopeful and hopeless about our current political situation, but I still find it interesting.
- Princeton (101) - I've been at Princeton longer than I've been anywhere but in the New Albany Floyd County School system. It's been my home for nearly a dozen years, and it's the place where I've most truly found myself. I'll probably end my career there.
- science (149) - I can't honestly say where the science gene came from. Neither of my parents seem particularly scientifically curious, but it's my chosen interest and what I teach.
- television (177) - I watch too much television. Actually, of late, I haven't been watching very much television at all.
- update (70) - You guys should know that anything I find and that I learn more about will be updated. I'm committed to giving you folks the best of what I have to offer - even if that means updating you when I learn more. I try not to use updates as full daily posts unless there's a big update.
- YouTube (287) - I think I've mentioned enjoying the internet?
March 28, 2012
Tags...I'm it
What tags do I use most frequently, and what do they each say about me?
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