February 4, 2014

First official glimpse at Simpsons minifigures

Not much detail was revealed about the Lego collectible minfigures' Simpsons at the Nuremberg Toy Fair, but we did get a couple of glimpses that matter:
  • Looks like we'll get open-eyed Simpsons character instead of the heavy-lidded eyes of the figures that come with the Simpsons' house.
  • Apparently we'll get at least one more Homer which puts the whole family back in play as far as I'm concerned. Predictions may have to change again
  • The second, yellow box to the right leaves me curious as to whether that's for the September release, possibly the set connected to the online massive multiplayer online game, or whether we'll get a concurrent release of non-Simpsons figures in May. The second linked source there suggests four sets in 2014, but I can't figure out what the fourth would be - January, Movie; May, Simpsons; October, MMO; fourth???). Or are they saying the MMO figures come in the summer and series 12 in the fall?

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